湯底包裝上給的步驟裡說,要用他們同廠牌 (Pulmuone) 所出的超嫩豆腐。此豆腐跟一般的盒裝豆腐包裝不同,裝在一個管狀塑膠袋裡,這樣一來,豆腐下到湯裡的時候便自然會被擠成碎碎的豆腐花。
超嫩豆腐長這樣 (圖片來源︰koreanhomefood.com)
湯底包裝上的說明很簡單,一杯 (240 cc) 水燒開之後加一包調味粉,然後把豆腐下到湯裡,再度煮開之後加入附上的辣油一包便立即上桌。這些步驟講完了之後,還有一則附註︰可任意加入您喜愛的蔬菜和海鮮。這....這....這也太過簡單了吧???
韓國海鮮豆腐魚卵湯 Soon-Doo-Boo Seafood Stew with Fish Eggs
韓國豆腐湯底(內含調味粉和辣油各三包)Pulmuone Tofu Broth Seasoning (which contains 3 packets of seasoning powder and 3 packets of chili oil)
超嫩豆腐(如果找不到上面照片中的版本,用一般盒裝的嫩豆腐應該也可以)1 Pouch of Extra Soft Tofu (or any soft silken tofu available at your local store)
洋菇(也可用泡好的香菇,或是金針菇)Mushrooms of any kind that you like
海鮮(我用的是Seafood Mix,裡面有蝦仁、淡菜肉、花枝、魷魚、蛤蜊肉⋯⋯等等)Seafood, any kind (I used a seafood mix found in a Korean store; it has shrimp, mussel meat, octopus tentacles, squid, clam meat, etc.)
魚卵 Fish Eggs
綠豆芽 Mung Bean Sprouts
蔥花 Chopped Green Onions to taste
除了湯底跟水的比例(一杯水配一包調味粉和一包辣油)要記住之外,所有的食材都可以按個人喜好增減。The ratio of water and soup base (for every cup of water, use 1 packet of powder and 1 packet of chili oil) is given on the package. The rest of the ingredients are more or less adjustable to one's preferences.
我這次用了兩包調味粉和兩包辣油,配上兩杯水,用了一包豆腐、一大只洋菇、約3/4杯的 Seafood Mix、一副魚卵約半磅(或220g)、一把豆芽。下次同樣的湯底量,我會改用兩只洋菇、約一杯的Seafood Mix、豆芽一杯、再加上用一整枝蔥切成的蔥花(其他材料不變)。I used 2 packets each of seasoning powder and chili oil for 2 cups of water. As for the other ingredients, I used 1 pouch of tofu, 1 large white mushroom, about 3/4 cup of seafood mix, 1 set of fish eggs (about 220g or half pound), and a handful of mung bean sprouts. Next time with the same amount of soup base and water, I'll probably switch to 2 large mushrooms, about 1 cup of seafood mix, 1 cup of bean sprouts, and 1 chopped-up green onion (everything else stays the same).
用康寧鍋或砂鍋把水煮開後,加入調味粉,然後放入菇類、海鮮和魚卵。Heat water in a heat-retaining pot (a deep casserole dish like Corningware's will do) to a boil, then add seasoning powder, followed by mushrooms, seafood and fish eggs.
再度沸騰之後,把超嫩豆腐擠到鍋裡(如果用盒裝豆腐,請記得把豆腐攪碎)。When the soup boils again, add tofu to the pot (if using a box of silken tofu, remember to stir to break it up into small pieces).
湯煮開之後,撒入豆芽,待豆芽變色即可熄火,再加入蔥花和辣油,便可趁熱上菜。When it comes to a boil again, add bean sprouts. Turn the heat off when bean sprouts change colors. Add green onions and chili oil; serve immediately.
【註一】 在餐廳裡吃的這道湯,通常還會加個蛋。這顆蛋應該是在放豆芽之前(也就是豆腐已經放進去煮開之後)加進去。我因為一顆蛋三個人不好分,就給它省略了。
P.S. Korean restaurants usually serve this soup with a runny egg seared to the bottom of the pot. Try adding the egg immediately before adding the bean sprouts, after the tofu is boiled.
P.P.S. Earthenware/Stoneware pots can be used on a gas stovetop, but not recommended on an electric stove as the uneven heating might damage the pot.